Mack (Black Mountain Pack Book 1) Page 3
My pack phone rang, the caller ID displayed an unknown number. “You got Mack,” I answered.
“I’ve got her. She’s going into The Silver Fox.”
I recognized Steven’s voice. “Steven, where are you calling from? My phone didn’t recognize the number.”
“Probably the last pay phone left in the city. Across the street from the bar. What do you want me to do?”
“Go in and just watch. Let Sterling know not to approach her. He’ll be able to smell her the minute she walks in. I don’t think she knows what she is and we don’t need him turning the flirtation on, without knowing. Try to keep her there until I get there. I need to run, so I’ll come in the back way and meet you at the bar.” I instructed him. This put a slight wrench in my plans, but I needed to keep an eye on her. I hadn’t had time to contact anyone and alert them to the situation. I hoped Sterling would listen to Steven. The drawback to my best friend being so low in the pack. I stripped quickly, locked everything up in the Jeep and shifted. I would send Steven back to get it after I got to the bar.
Shaking out my fur, I began running. The feel of the forest carpet under my paws, the wind through my fur, scents of small wild animals scurrying to safety spurred me on. Fast and faster I ran, letting my senses guide me. My panther knew what he was searching for, and picking up the smallest scent of her, we ran faster than we ever had before. Ignoring the delightful smells of prey fleeing from me, I continued to follow her scent. It became stronger the closer we got to town.
Sterling had opened his bar on the edge of town, the alley backed up the forest where we ran most often. I slowed as I got close, prowling the edge of the trees making sure there were no humans out enjoying a smoke or taking a break. To my surprise, I heard Sterling’s voice.
“Here have a seat and take a few deep breaths, darling.”
I watched as he knelt in front of her. My panther bristled at how close he was to her. It took every ounce of will power I had to keep from attacking. “Mine” I growled. I could smell the cat crawling beneath her skin. She couldn’t sit still, her breathing was heavy and her heartbeat was erratic. She was close to changing and she didn’t even know it. Without thinking, I emerged from the trees. There wasn’t enough time to change, if we couldn’t get her calm and out of human sight, her change could be disastrous. A low growl emanated from my throat.
Sterling turned, placing his body low in front of her, protective and ready to pounce.
I slowly stalked towards him.
“Mack, thank god.” Sterling sniffed the air and stood.
I growled again. I saw in the instant he recognized my posture. Stepping away from her, he knelt and tilted his head down and to the side, exposing his throat in submission. “Hey man, if I had known I wouldn’t have touched her. I only wanted to help.”
“What—the—hell—is—that?” Casey panted. She was close, and scared. Her scent was confused and full of fear.
“Darlin, it’s ok. This is Mack, he is only here to help.” Sterling replied, still in submission stance.
“Help—with—what?” She was fighting so hard, but I knew she would lose.
Sterling ignored her question and addressed me, “She has no idea what she is or what we are Mack, but her cat is scratching to get out. Will you let me help?”
I knew he was right, and I did need his help. My panther on the other hand was not happy with anyone being near her. Barely keeping control, I crept closer until I was between them and then laid on her feet. The fear radiating off her was oppressing. I turned my head to Sterling and simply gave him a nod.
“Alright man, keep her here. I’ll go grab the truck, we can all fit in the front.” Sterling disappeared through the back door.
With him gone and the threat of another shifter removed, my defenses lowered a bit. I peered up to Cassandra, searching her face.
Her emotions played across her features. She was fighting a war within herself. The human side wanted to flee, but her cat wanted something else altogether. She stared at me.
I laid my head on her lap as I purred and nuzzled towards her hand. Her eyes widened and I could hear her heart, if it raced any faster, she might have a heart attack.
Sterling’s truck rounded the back of the bar and he hopped out. Approaching slowly “Mack, if we don’t get her to the farm she’ll explode. Will you let me help her into the truck?”
I didn’t move, simply watched Sterling. The logical human side knew he wasn’t interested in her and wouldn’t hurt her. The panther didn’t care and wanted to rip his throat out just because he was near. The struggle to keep my panther under control was a challenge, but one I knew I would win. Allowing Sterling to kneel in front of her, I watched his every move.
“Darling, we need to get you out of here. We have a safe place to go, so we can help and explain what you are feeling. You are going to have to follow me to the truck though. Mack here isn’t going to allow me to touch you in any way. If I do, he will most likely rip my throat out and I kind of like being alive right now.”
Cassandra chose that moment to simply pass out. It was probably best.
Sterling looked at me, “Mack we need to move her. Can you change?”
I nodded once and he stepped back. Concentrating on shifting, my panther resisted. He wanted to be the one to stay and protect her, but I pushed back and finally, the transition started. It hurt like hell. I had never tried to force the shift. My panther and I had always worked together well, but forcing him back was a challenge I had never been dealt before. Finally, naked and sweating, the shift completed.
Sterling stood there with a pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt. “Here, cover yourself and let’s get her out of here.”
“Thanks, man.” I dressed quickly and scooped Cassandra into my arms. Sliding into the passenger side of Sterling’s truck, he closed the door behind me. Hopping into the driver side, I instructed him “We need to go to the farm. Call Ma on the way, we’ll need another female there when she wakes up.”
“You are going to cage her, aren’t you?” he asked as he pulled out his cell phone.
“I don’t see any other way around it. Even now, I can feel her cat wanting out. From her response to me, she has no idea what she is. The cage is the only option right now, but hopefully having Ma there will help.”
Sterling finished his call. “She will meet us there. Mack, can I speak openly?”
Sterling was fairly new to the pack and had been working his way up the ranks, but he was still a few rungs from being able to express himself openly. I respected his opinions though and knowing that we had a long road ahead of us with Cassandra I wanted to know his thoughts. “Please do.”
“I don’t think you should be in the room when she wakes.”
“What the hell?” I sputtered and my panther agreed, actually he just wanted to go for his throat and eliminate him.
“Let me finish man. You scared the shit out of her. Do you think your panther will be able to sit back idly when she changes? I saw and scented exactly how he felt. You may not realize it, but he wants her. Bad. And I don’t think he’ll agree to be calm and collected while she learns who and what she is.”
I let his words roll around in my head. He was right, but I didn’t want to admit it. “So who do you suggest stay with her? She will need someone to help her, guide her. Ma is not going to be able to do that once she realizes who we have.” I really wanted to hear who he thought would suit.
“She needs someone her cat won’t see as a threat. You know once she shifts, it will be almost impossible to get her back. You are going to need at least two people you trust to help her. One to stay shifted with her, to help communicate, and you will need someone high up to force her to shift back if need be. That can only be you or your father. As Alpha, he can force anyone to change, you being his second have that power too when you want. Let me suggest Marla as a cage mate. I know she isn’t pack yet, but she has applied and you have seen how strong she is. Plus, her lynx may be
just what is needed. She is playful, caring, and protective.”
Marla, I hadn’t thought of her. She had applied to join as soon as she came to town three months ago. She had followed procedure, been an exemplary civilian and was next on the list for interview. Sterling had a good idea there, this could be her trial for pack entry. I made a mental note to call her after I got Cassandra settled in and Ma watching over her. “I appreciate your honestly and suggestion. I will take it into consideration.”
We rode the rest of the short distance to the farm in silence. Sterling hopped out and opened my door when we got there and followed me in to the small farm house. The house was like any other on the outside. On the inside, the main floor was open and spacious. I went straight to the padlocked door in the kitchen.
Ma was waiting. Without a word, she unlocked the door and stepped back.
Sterling stayed upstairs with her as I carried Cassandra down the steps into the basement. This was where things were different. The basement was set up for all new shifters, or those that were approaching maturity and needed a little more help. Along the far wall, there were three cages, each comfortable but secure. When a shifter matures, their hormones go crazy, the need to mate surges through them and that had caused many fights in the past. Da had created these cells to hold those until their urge passed and their human side could learn to control the animal urges. Some could learn that control quickly, others it took longer, and then there were those rare occasions when the human side never came back. I couldn’t think about those right now. That was not an option for my Cassandra.
I placed her on the bed in the closest cell, closed it, and pulled up a chair to wait for her to wake. She deserved an explanation and that would come from me. I heard Sterling and Ma talking upstairs. I knew I should probably explain to Ma who this girl was, but I couldn’t bear to leave her side right now. I would let Sterling give her the basics while I waited. I pulled out my phone and sent a text off to Steven, telling him what happened and that I would be out of communication for a while.
Sterling’s suggestion was good, but calling Marla could wait. I wanted to speak to Cassandra first. I put my phone away and settled in to wait.
Chapter Five
The sounds of murmuring greeted me as I woke. I strained to hear what was being said as I laid there with my eyes closed. Reaching out with my other senses, I tried to figure out where I was. I didn’t want to face what I might see with my eyes. I felt a softness beneath my hands, the air around me was a bit stale but clean except for a strong male musk. This scent perked something inside me, making my skin prickle with goosebumps and my heart start beating faster. That single scent turned me on and made my girly bits tingle.
“I know you’re awake. You may as well open your eyes and talk to me,” a deep voice stated softly.
The voice felt like a lover caress against my skin. Something inside me changed, my skin felt too tight and a low growl sounded in my head. Or was it just in my head? I opened my eyes, and a ceiling of bars greeted me. This was not my room or Jake’s apartment. What the hell had I done? The last thing I remember was sitting at the bar in the Silver Fox and feeling overwhelmed by all the scents in the room. The rest had to have been a dream.
“Look at me,” the voice commanded.
My head turned towards that voice, obeying the command. I realized then the bars above me extended down into four walls of steel. I was in a cell. A cage. I didn’t like that. Anger hit me immediately and I sat up trying to find an escape. Something foreign inside me cried to get out, out of this cage and out of me.
“Shhh, be calm. You are safe, look at me.”
I focused on those words and forced myself to lock onto the man the voice came from. Meeting his eyes, everything inside calmed drastically. I instantly wanted to be near him, crawl into his lap, lick his chin. Feelings overpowered me, and scared the shit out of me. Instead of moving towards him, I scooted into the corner and pulled me knees to my chest. Trying to make myself small and inconspicuous.
“That won’t work darling. But I have your attention now.” He smiled.
I knew him. From where? I searched my brain and then it clicked. This was one of the guys that had been searching for someone in the alley the other night—the one who locked eyes with me. I sucked in a breath. Shit, he found me. He probably knocked me out and brought me here to do god knows what to me. Jake will never know where to look, dammit.
“I can see the wheels turning in your head. Let me get a few things straight. I know you recognize me, but you don’t know me. Yes, I was at the alley a few days ago, no I don’t want to hurt you. I didn’t kidnap you and the cell is for your own protection which I will explain soon enough. Let me introduce myself. My name is Mack. I found you last night with Sterling and you were having a hard time breathing and taking in all the scents and hormones floating around at the Silver Fox. You became overwhelmed and passed out. Sterling and I brought you here, Cassandra. You have been lost for a long time and I am so relieved to have finally found you again.” Mack paced behind the chair as he spoke.
I snorted in response. I didn’t dare speak for fear of what I might say. I was obviously going crazy and this was an elaborate hallucination. That’s the only feasible explanation.
“You may have seen me and my family on TV or in the papers. We have been searching for my sister for years,” he paused and looked straight at me, “I finally found you. Cassandra, after years of searching, I finally found you,” he smiled.
Before I could respond, someone else did. A giant of a man descended the stairs into the room with us. “We need to talk,” he addressed Mack. “Follow me.” He turned and walked back up the stairs. Mack looked back and forth between me and the man disappearing up the stairs, visibly torn on what to do. One low growled, “Malcolm” decided for him.
I watched as he sprinted up the stairs leaving me alone with my thoughts.
“Ok Casey, we can figure this out,” I told myself. I crawled of the bed and started inspecting my cell and the area around me. The cell contained a fluffy queen size bed mounded with pillows and comforter. There was a side table with a lamp, alarm clock, and a stack of books. I opened the drawers to find one full of basic white t shirts and the other full of sweat pants and socks. Nothing in either one would help me escape. The bars on the cage were thicker than my hand and strong. The locking mechanism on the door was the most complicated I had ever seen. My little knowledge of lock picking wouldn’t help. “Think Casey, how can we get out.” We? We don’t want to go anywhere, you do. I stopped pacing. I had just answered my own question, but it wasn’t me. It had finally happened, I’d gone crazy. The voices in my head were answering me. I am not a voice in your head Casey. Look deeper, remember who I am. I shook my head in response, trying to dislodge that voice.
“Hello darling,” a sweet female voice greeted me.
I’d been so intent on this internal conversation, I hadn’t heard anyone come down the stairs. I couldn’t let my attention falter, always be aware. That was the rule, I learned years ago in my first foster home, and Jake had drilled it into me ever since.
“I bet you’re hungry,” she said as she placed a tray on the floor next to the door and backed away. “If you can back up and sit on your bed, I can push the tray through.” She was a small, middle age woman. She wasn’t frail, rather she radiated a confidence and a no question asked attitude.
Seeing no option, I sat on the bed.
She came forward, lifted the tray door open and pushed the food through.
I waited until she retreated before taking the tray. I could refuse it, but the logical part of my brain convinced me I needed food to keep my strength up.
Another woman came down the stairs before this woman was able to speak again. “Ma, Mack and Sterling need you upstairs and they don’t look happy.”
“Oh, dear. Well sweetie, we will have time to chat soon,” the woman addressed me and hurried up the stairs.
“Well, now we can get down to business. My name is Marla and I am here to spring you. We must be quick about it though. I know you are hungry we can grab a bite back at the Silver Fox.” She pulled a ring of keys out of her shirt sleeve and with a flourish of her wrist, opened the door. “Come along Casey, we don’t have much time. I am sure Mack is itching to come check on you by now. The only thing keeping him from running back down those stairs, is his Da.” She grabbed the chair Mack had been sitting in and placed it under the lone window. She moved away with the confidence I would follow. It wasn’t actually a window, a half window maybe, a sliver of light allowed in basically. “Alright princess, up you go.” She reached for my hand.
“What? I can’t fit through there,” I replied standing just outside the cell.
“Girl, we don’t have time for this.” Marla moved faster than I had seen anyone and grasped me around my waist shoving me towards the window.
My choice was to open it and try to shimmy through or be forced through the glass. I chose to open it, of course. It was going well until my hips, I may be skinny from living on the streets but I had been gifted with large hips. “I can’t make it through,” I whispered back through the opening.
“Yes you can, suck in a breath, wiggle side to side and I’ll push from here”
She was crazy, but it was better than the alternative. I did not want to end up back in that cell. One big breath in, lots of inch worm wiggling, and a push that would rival the launch rockets on the Apollo space ship and I was out.
Marla gracefully followed me. “My jeep is over here, follow me”
I did on instinct. On our way back to the bar, I started asking questions, “Who are you? Where was I? Why did Mack take me? What do they want with me? Do you have anything to eat in here?” I fired one after the other.
Marla let out a belly laugh. “I knew I would like you. I’ll do my best to answer your questions. Like I said, my name is Marla and I work for Sterling as a bartender at the Silver Fox. You were at Mack’s farm house. He took you because he had no choice. What he wants with you, he will have to explain. That’s not my place. I am all out of snacks, but I can get Jake to cook something for you as soon as we walk in.”