Mack (Black Mountain Pack Book 1) Page 2
“I have to get close to her, learn about her and those around her. She doesn’t know who she is, and I can’t just confront her. If I do, she will run for sure and I may never find her again. It took me too long to find her and I won’t lose her again.” I spoke the truth. I’d been searching for my sister for most of my life. Everyone else had given up hope, but I wouldn’t and now my stubbornness was very close to paying off. Coffee and pie at Moe’s sounded good.
“Hey, I’m heading out for a bit Da, I’ll be back later,” I announced, no need to yell or even search him out. The Alpha’s hearing was the best in the pack and I knew he would hear me. I motioned for Steven to join me. I was glad Rocco wasn’t here. I didn’t want him joining us. He was recent addition to the pack and Da had put me in charge of him. I didn’t have a good feeling about him, he acted too shifty for his own good.
Being the son of the Alpha, Jerome who was my Da, he trusted me over anyone else in the pack, so it became my job recently to vet those requesting to join. We get about a dozen requests a year from shifters that are orphaned or have lost their entire pack to territorial fighting or disease. The packs used to be segregated, each species staying with their own, but ever since the Coming Out fifty years ago, we have had to learn to work and live together. Many species were hunted almost to extinction. Fear drove many humans to take the law into their own hands and eliminate something they saw as a threat, rather than learning to live with us and realize what an asset we are.
I didn’t necessarily agree with how Da ran the pack, but there had yet to be a male who could best him and take the title of Alpha, so until that happened, we followed his rules and lead. Females of any species were welcome with open arms, but males went through a vigorous testing process and if they made it through to the end, they then spent a year with me. Working closely, learning the hierarchy and allowing us to decide where they would fall within the ranks. My opinion became a strong factor in the voting process of the council. Da was the Alpha and ultimately in charge, but he’d created a council to help him make the hard decisions and allowing the other species to have a say in how things ran. It also allowed Da to learn their traditions and cultures. He’d done a good job melding everyone together and we were well known across the nation for it. That’s why we had so many applications every year.
Some packs had closed their borders to anyone but those born into the pack and in doing so, had recently created issues with inbreeding. When you only allow your members to create families within the pack, issues arise. Malformations, aggression, fighting, and eventually if they don’t grow with the times, their pack died out.
Our success also made us a target about fourteen years ago when we were attacked and my little sister was abducted. The family searched for a few years. After the fifth year, both my parents decided to accept the fact that she was gone. They thought that she was dead for sure. No ransom had been sent, no threats, nothing. She was simply gone. A documentary was shot on the sixth anniversary of her abduction and it re airs once a year, my Da makes sure of it. There is more to that story that many don’t know. Cassandra and I share the same father, but we do not share the same mother. We are only half brother and sister. That little secret is only known by my immediate family and Steven.
Ma was never the same after Cassandra was taken, and I made it my life’s goal to find her and bring her home. I wanted to bring Ma’s smile back to her eyes.
I am close. I know the girl I saw last night was Cassandra.
“Let’s go, I’m hungry.”
Chapter Three
I rolled over on the couch and checked the little clock the guys had on the table used for a TV stand. Squinting to read the numbers, I realized I had slept for over twelve hours. I lay there debating whether I should get up or turn back over and sleep another twelve.
Sleep is over rated when you are living day to day on the streets, hopping from shelter to shelter. If you slept you were vulnerable. Being vulnerable and a woman on the streets is not a good combination, even in the women only shelters. The only true sleep I seemed to get these days was when I crashed at Jake’s. He and I both knew it and I think that’s why he offered so much. The apartment wasn’t big enough for the three that lived there, let alone four. Jake had asked me to move in many times, but I didn’t want his charity. I had to make it on my own, take care of myself. I couldn’t continue to depend on him.
With this thought, my choice was made. No more sleep for me. I got up and headed to the small coffee pot that sat on the counter next to the sink. I found two notes sitting in front of a full pot of coffee. One was from Jake and the other was from his roommates. I poured a mug and opened Jake’s note first.
I had to run to class this morning. You were sleeping so well, I didn’t want to wake you. I made you a fresh pot of coffee, there is food in the fridge, and clean clothes on my bed for you. Please eat and relax. I would really love if you stayed till I got home. My class is only two hours today, I will be back shortly after lunch.
Don’t run this time. I’ll see you later
I checked the time again, I knew what he would want to talk about and I wasn’t ready to go down that road. I estimated I had about an hour before he walked through the door. Plenty of time to get ready and be gone, before he returned. I opened the fridge and grabbed a bagel before opening the other note.
Hey girl! You were sleeping so soundly when we came in, we didn’t want to wake you, but there is a surprise in our room for you. We will be back about the same time as Jake and really want to see you, so please, please, please don’t leave. Also there are enchiladas in the freezer. It would be great if lunch was ready when we got home. Only if you love us and want to be nice ;)
Nick and Aaron
Silly boys, if I love them, hah! I checked the freezer and sure enough, there was a pan of frozen homemade enchiladas. Why did the way to my heart have to be through food? I weighed my options. If I stayed till Jake got home, he would want to discuss my home status or lack of. If I left now, I would miss out on whatever the surprise was and the enchiladas. I looked in the freezer again, just to make sure the food hadn’t disappeared. My mouth watered and I could already smell them cooking. My stomach won the battle.
I justified staying by telling myself Jake wouldn’t bring up the home issue if Nick and Aaron were there. I headed to the bathroom to take another shower, I still felt really grimy and my hair had a layer of I don’t know what that didn’t come out with last night’s washing. I started the oven, put the pan of enchiladas in, and set the timer for forty five minutes. As the instructions on the top of the pan stated.
Curiosity got the better of me on the way to the shower. I stopped at Nick and Aaron’s room and tried the doorknob. Locked. I bent down to check the lock mechanism and jiggled the handle again in hopes that it would magically turn. The boys had changed the knob and lock when they first moved in. Nick was heavy into steampunk things and had found some odd lock that required a special skeleton type key. I wasted precious shower time pondering what was behind the door.
I heard the beeping as I stepped out of the shower. “Shit, the food.” Wrapped in a towel, I ran down the hall with my hair dripping. Shutting the timer off as I opened the oven door the towel I had precariously wrapped around me fell. Ignoring the fact that I was buck naked, I grabbed two pot holders, pulled the pan out and placed it on the stove top. “Damn cheap towels, they are never made to wrap around anyone,” I huffed. Once the oven was closed and I stepped clear from the stove, picked up my towel and went to get dressed.
“See, I told you she would stay. Food does it every time. She even heated it for us. I knew I loved that girl,” Nick said loud enough to travel down the small hallway.
“Dude, you are part of the reason she runs so often. Make yourself useful and get the table set,” Aaron replied. Glasses clinked and silverware clattered as the boys got everything out and s
A soft knock sounded on the bedroom door scaring the crap out of me. I had been concentrating so hard on hearing the conversation between Nick and Aaron I didn’t hear someone approach the door. I grabbed my t-shirt as Jake opened the door.
“Hey Casey, the boys seem happy to come home to a warm meal.”
Turning, I was enveloped in Jakes arms, accepting the hug he gave and returning it just as hard.
“I can’t tell you how worried I was. Wondering if you would still be here or if you would skip out like you normally do.” Jake stepped back holding me at arm’s length. “You look good Case, a bit thin, but good. I can tell the rest has helped, but by the sounds coming from your stomach you need to eat. Let’s go join the guys before they eat it all.” He let one hand run down my arm and grabbed my hand to lead me the short distance to the kitchen and its itty bitty table.
Nick and Aaron had been kind enough to wait for us. They had plated the enchilada’s for everyone, poured our drinks and had thrown together a salad to go with it. From what, I had no idea as there wasn’t any salad makings in the fridge when I’d looked earlier. We dug in and enjoyed lunch together in silence.
Stuffed to the brim, we all sat in agony, our stomachs stretched as far as possible, there would be no leftovers tonight, and we had pretty much licked the plates clean. I was the first to grab my plate and head to start the cleanup.
Jake joined me at the sink with the rest of the dirty dishes. “Here I got this. The guys are dying to show you their surprise. Go,” Jake nudged me. “Check it out. I think you’ll like it.”
Wiping my hands, I followed the whispering to find the guys waiting by their bedroom door. “Okay, what is this surprise you have in store for me?”
Aaron handed me an ornate key as Nick answered, “Open the door and see.” I stared at the key in my palm for a moment, there was a beauty in the creation of it, and metal swirled and woven together into the teeth that would fit the lock mechanism perfectly to release. With a deep breath, I turned the key in the lock and opened the door expecting to find their messy room. Instead, I found an amazingly clean and totally redesigned bedroom. All of their DJ gear, posters, towers of music cds, and piles of clothes were gone.
“Where’s your stuff guys?” I asked, tears brimming in my eyes. I already knew deep down that it was gone, and I don’t know why it bothered me so much. I stepped in, looking around. The walls had been repaired and painted a cool grey color. Instead of their twin beds, a full size sat against one wall, encased in a brass bedframe, and covered with a comforter in shades of grey. Opposite the bed sat a dresser and small make up table with mirror. The floor had been covered with a large braided rug again in shades of grey, with a few red streaks through it. The tears flowed freely as I sat on the edge of the bed. “Where did you guys go? Why? Because of me?”
Nick rushed to my side. “No, not because of you. Casey, we got our own place and after talking it over with Jake, we wanted to give you a safe place to stay. So, we fixed up this room, something simple for you. That’s why the lock was changed. We wanted you to know that you would be safe even from people in the same apartment. Not that you have anything to worry about from Jake.” Nick laughed.
Aaron sat down on the other side of me and took my hand. “Don’t cry Casey. It was time for use to get our own place. Jobs have been coming in steady and we needed more room to spread out and create. It works out for everyone. We found this perfect loft just a few blocks away, so we can visit anytime you want to cook for us.” He smiled.
“I don’t know what to say. I can’t accept this. You guys have lived with Jake since he moved in. This doesn’t seem right.” I glanced up to see Jake in the doorway. “Jake, I can’t.”
“Yes, you can. It’s time you stopped running. It’s not safe for you on the streets anymore. We saw that last night. Here you have layers of protection. I am installing new locks on the door tomorrow and Moe is opening the stairway inside the diner so we can access the apartment through it, instead of the rickety stairs outside. Add that to the lock the boys put on this door, you won’t have to worry about anyone getting to you while you sleep. They will have to get through me before they could even begin to work on the apartment. I won’t take no for an answer. It’s time to settle Casey.”
Jake was right, the running was getting old and if I stayed on the streets, I am sure the men that found me last night would find me again. Sooner, rather than later. “I won’t stay for free Jake. I’ll find a job and pay my way.”
“I expect no less. The rent is taken care of with my job. Feeding two people though is not, so you will have to help with food and helping keep the apartment clean. As for a job, Moe is looking for a new waitress. Jackie quit on him last night after one of the regulars smacked her ass one too many times. I told him you would stop in later and talk to him. You don’t have to take the job, but it’s something to get you started if you want.” He smiled at me. “Ok guys, let’s leave her to absorb everything.”
Nick and Aaron each hugged me and left.
“Casey we have more to talk about, but only when you are ready. If you need anything I’ll be in the living room.” Jake closed the door as he left.
I looked around and felt a warmth start to spread through my chest. Home, I would have a home. I would work for it though, being a waitress would get me by for now, but it wouldn’t be enough for long. I ran my hand along the comforter, breathed deeply and then joined Jake in the living room. Nick and Aaron had left, I assumed either to a job or to their new place.
Jake was stretched out on the couch reading. He moved his feet when he saw me.
I plopped down on the cushion and stared out the window. “We do need to talk.”
Jake just waited.
“Those men last night. Do you know who they were?” I asked, unable to make eye contact with him.
“Not all of them, but I did recognize one of them. His name is Malcolm Badeaux, his friends call him Mack. His dad owns the Aeredale Chronicle.” He nodded towards the local paper sitting on the floor. “But I don’t know much more about him. The others I assume, were just his cronies.”
“Jake, there is something I need to let you know.” Even though we had grown up together in the foster care system, I had never admitted to him my “oddness” the fact that my senses were more heightened than others. I needed him to know though, because I think that was part of the reason Mack and his buddies had been after me. “I think I know why they were looking for me.” I gazed into his eyes. “I am different.”
“Casey, I know that. Have known it for years.” He smiled.
“No, it’s more than just foster care odd. I can smell things others can’t, I hear things clearer and from farther away than most, and my eyesight is better at night then it is during the day.” I searched Jake’s face for any signs of disbelief and kept going, “I could smell them last night and they didn’t smell right. I have smelled lots of people and lots of animals and other things. Those guys smelled like a cross between human and animal and it put me on edge. Made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up and I wanted to face and fight them.”
Jake nodded. “Made you want to protect your territory. Makes sense, Casey. Though I don’t think you realize why and that’s not for me to tell you. I can tell you that we are both different and I am here whenever you need to talk and I will help you anyway I can. This is something you will have to work out on your own though. There are many people out there that can help, you only have to ask.” He sat up and stretched. “I have to be in the kitchens early tomorrow, so I am hitting the hay. Come by after the breakfast rush and I’ll get you a plate. You can chat with Moe after you fill your belly.” He stood and kissed the top of my head before heading to his room.
I knew sleep would take him the moment his head hit the pillow. I had hoped that talking with Jake and admitting my weirdness would help, but I was only more confused now. Jake had always known, but never said anything? Plus, he knows why but won’t tell me
. What the hell kind of friend does that? My mind was too full of questions to settle down and sleep. I decided to go roam. I knew these streets like the back of my hand, and they always helped calm me when I was upset. I grabbed my key and found the extra key to the apartment door on the table. I shoved them both into my pocket as I grabbed my coat and walked out. The cold air would help as well. I set my feet on autopilot and let my mind start wandering.
My feet brought me to one of the few places in the city where I felt safe and comfortable. The Silver Fox was the only bar in town I felt I could hide and relax. I didn’t feel like I had to be on guard here and the typical bar smells didn’t overwhelm me like many other bars. Don’t get me wrong, it still held the stale smell of cigarette smoke and beer, but it also smelled of warm baked bread, spicy gumbo and something else that set me at ease. I found my usual small table in the back corner vacant and made my way there. The waitress came over with a cup of coffee and saucer of creamer, my usual. I didn’t realize until then how many times my night ended here. Enough that the staff didn’t even ask for a drink order anymore.
I smiled at her and wrapped my hands around the warm mug, letting my mind start working on the puzzle of information jumping around inside.
Chapter Four
The encounter last night had the panther inside pacing. I needed to run, let him out before he forced his way out. I grabbed the jeep keys off the hook in the garage and headed out. The drive to our running grounds had always calmed me before, but tonight my panther’s agitation grew the closer we got. He wanted to hunt, but not here. Parking in the trees, my skin began to quiver with the anticipation of the shift. I knew I had to stay in control, letting him out before I was ready would put me in danger of not being able to shift back. Taking three deep breaths, I calmed my heartbeat and opened the door.