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Mack (Black Mountain Pack Book 1) Page 4

  My ears perked up at the name Jake. “Jake, my Jake, works at the Fox? How is that possible, he cooks at Moe’s.”

  “He did until a week ago. He came back to Sterling’s part time. And before you ask, that is a story Jake needs to share with you too.” She glanced at me out of the corner of her eye. Pulling to a stop behind the Fox, she jumped out and headed in through the back door.

  I scurried out of the jeep and followed.

  Jake enveloped me as soon as I crossed the threshold. “Thank god Casey! Are you alright? Did he hurt you?” He held me out at arm’s length and visually inspected me.

  “I’m ok Jake, hungry, but I’m ok. I do have a lot of questions and Marla said you would explain everything,” I cocked my head and waited.

  “Come with me, I’ll whip something up and then we can sit down. I’ll answer all your questions.”

  The next twenty minutes crawled at a snail’s pace as Jake cooked for me. I usually enjoyed watching him in the kitchen, but knowing he had the answers to my questions and wouldn’t talk until I ate annoyed me.

  He finally joined me, placing a heaping plate in front of me “Eat first, then we can talk,” he instructed.

  For a moment, I thought about refusing just to spite him, then the aroma assaulted my nose and my stomach took over. I attacked my plate of gumbo with relish. The flavors burst on my tongue with each bite, like a party in my mouth. I moaned in appreciation.

  Jake simply sat across from me with a smug smile plastered on his face.

  I stopped to take a sip of the cold beer Marla had brought me. “Ok, Jake spill. What the hell is going on?” I asked before I took my next bite.

  His expression changed instantly. Emotions crossed his face as he decided how to begin. “Casey, you know how you have always felt different? How families didn’t keep you because of your oddities?” He searched my face.

  I nodded, mouth full, this was nothing I hadn’t heard before.

  “Well, you have heightened senses for a reason. It’s not a biological error. We are more alike than you realize. You have those gifts because, like me, you are a shifter.”

  I choked on my food as I tried to swallow. Grabbing my beer, I took a long drink, forcing the food in my throat down. “A what? You mean like in that sparkly vampire movie or that HBO show you made me watch that was more about the sex than the vampires? What are you going to tell me, vampires are real too?” I laughed, he had to be pulling my chain.

  “I am not joking. As for vampires, anything is possible, but I have never come across one. I can tell you though if I do, I don’t think they will sparkle in the sunlight.” He chuckled. “Yes, shifters are real. The government knows about us, but choose to ignore us. When we came out about fifty years ago, there was a panic and they hunted many of us almost to extinction. That changed how we live. Each species used to live and work within their own pack, now those pack lines have had to blur and we have had to accept each other to live, you are one of us.”

  I stared at him in disbelief. “Jake, quite spinning stories. If what you say is true, why haven’t I ever “shifted” as you say? I don’t remember ever becoming any type of animal.”

  “True, that’s because your human side has suppressed your animal for so long. Didn’t you ever wonder why I never really seemed to age? You met me when you were seven in the system. We have been friends for over ten years, but I haven’t really changed have I?” He searched my eyes. Waiting for what he had shared to register.

  I pushed my plate away, my appetite gone. I searched my memories, to the first time I met Jake. He had been older than me of course and I had an instant crush on him. As I filtered through the years I realized he hadn’t changed much over time. His clothes, facial hair, etc. yes, but age didn’t line his face as it should have. He still looked like a teen, smooth skin, head full of hair, well-muscled physique.

  Jake continued on, as the wheels in my head continued to churn, “I am not sure what happened to you before I found you in the foster care system, but I do know it was traumatic enough for your human side to lock it away deep inside your memory. In doing so, your animal side went into hibernation basically. I have watched you grow, seen little signs that she is there, but she hasn’t fully emerged yet. After what has happened today with Mack and the pack, we can’t wait any longer for you to remember. Today, I finally realized who you are—”

  I interrupted him, “Jake, I am Casey. The same girl you met over ten years ago. I don’t know what Kool-Aid you drank or who hit you over the head, but stop this. You sound like one of those books I used to read. Stop freaking me out and let’s just go home. I don’t want that Mack guy to find me again.” I fidgeted on my chair, something deep down believed him and it scared me more than being kidnapped again.

  Jake sighed. “You won’t believe me until you see.”

  Sterling walked in at the end of Jake’s statement. “You are all clear, Jake. I closed the bar about ten minutes ago when I got back from the farm. I calmed Jerome and Mack for now, they know she is priority right now. Do what you need to.” He stood in the kitchen doorway with Marla.

  Jake stood and started removing his clothing. Folding each piece and placing them on a chair, putting his shoes side by side until he stripped to all but his underwear.

  “Jake, stop!” I jumped up and backed into the counter behind me. Fear gripping my chest, heart racing, and the need to flee taking over every part of me. “I don’t want to see you naked, you’re taking this tall tale a bit far. Will you stop if I say I believe you?” I babbled, searching for an exit.

  Marla took a step towards me.

  Sterling stopped her with a hand on her shoulder. “She has to see. She’ll never truly believe if she doesn’t” Sterling said in the calmest voice.

  Marla tilted her head in acceptance. “Go ahead, Jake.”

  Jake bent down on all fours and before my eyes, I saw his body start to contort, muscles straining and bones cracking as he started to change. My mind refused to acknowledge what I saw. It was too unbelievable, but moments later, a dark sable wolf stood before me. My legs gave out and I collapsed to the floor, leaning back against the cupboards behind me and cradled my chin in my hands. I couldn’t take my eyes of the wolf in front of me. Slowly he approached me, and I pushed back in fear. He laid at my feet and licked my toes. His tongue tickled and I couldn’t help but laugh, it was then I looked in his eyes and knew.

  “You recognize him don’t you?” Sterling was talking, but I couldn’t take my eyes off Jake. “You remember when he guarded you, hid you when needed? Remember back. Jake has always protected you. That’s his job. He finds the lost, protects them, and saves them until they are ready. It doesn’t usually take this long, but your case was special.”

  I remembered. I had seen this animal before, but I had thought he was just a dog. His coloring was more shepherd and I had always seen him at night, so I never noticed his face and head. If I had, I would have known he was a wolf and I probably would have been scared to death. My hand shook as I reached towards him. He put his head in my hand and waited. I stroked his fur and memories flooded back. He had stayed with me almost every night at the home. I thought I had found a stray one night. I used to sneak out my window and lay in the grass to watch the stars. One night when I snuck out, I had found a dog hiding under the bushes. He wouldn’t come to me at first, and I started hiding bits from my dinner to feed him. Over a week, I had coaxed him to lay with me. Then I started bringing him in my window. He laid on the bed with me and made me feel safe. Even when I went to stay with a new foster family, which never lasted long, he was always waiting for me when I got back. Tears streamed down my face as the memories assaulted me. “Are you two shifters too?” I asked Sterling and Marla.


  “Are you wolves like Jake?”

  “No,” Sterling answered first, “I am a fox, hence the name of the bar.” He smiled and looked at Marla, encouraging her to share as well.

  “No, doll. I a
m a lynx. There are all kinds of us out there.”

  “What am I?”

  Sterling glanced at Marla and answered. “We don’t know and we won’t until you shift. I can tell you that your scent is not wolf, fox, lynx, or panther. Though if I had to guess, you are a feline of some sort.”

  I took his answers and rolled them around in my head. Scents that made sense. Jake had always had his own unique scent, but I had just thought that was normal. With my hand buried in his fur, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Taking my time to filter through the aromas, food, cleaner, wood, stale smoke and alcohol all surrounded with the ever present body odor that permeated the walls of many old buildings, especially bars. Underneath it all, I finally found them. I smelled each of them. Jake I knew, but the other two I was able to distinguish. Unable to explain it I smelled their musk, and their blood. That scent triggered something hidden deep. I could taste them, and a part of me wanted more. I opened my eyes and both Sterling and Marla backed away quickly.

  “Casey, stop. You need to stop. Jake, look at her,” Sterling’s words rushed out. “Casey, darling you need to breathe and calm yourself. We aren’t going to hurt you, but we aren’t lunch either.”

  I wanted to taste their blood. “Prey,” whispered through my head. A growl caught my attention and I focused on Jake. He was standing, hair on end, growling at me. Seeing him shook me out of my trance and I realized I had changed position. My hand was grasping not only hair but the skin on Jake’s neck. I was poised on the balls of my feet, my other hand on the floor, as if ready to pounce. I released the wolf in front of me and sat back.

  “We need to get her back Sterling. She’s more than what we thought,” Marla addressed Sterling while keeping an eye on me.

  “Not yet Marla, she’s not ready.” Sterling paced by the door.

  “Whether she is ready or not, her other half is. Without proper guidance, she could rip through this town and destroy what the pack has built.”

  “I’ll take her. Call Mack and let him know. They need to stay away.” Jake responded. He had changed back and was dressing again. “Casey, I know this is a lot to take in, but you can’t deny the need you just had, to go after Marla and Sterling.” He locked gazes with me. “I don’t want to hurt you and deep down you know that, but we don’t have the time to ease you into this life. Admit you just wanted to rip their throat out. That means your animal side is a predator higher than they are and she is ready to show herself. Let me take you back to the farm until you can control both sides.” He stood in front of me fully dressed, hand outstretched to help me up.

  I knew I could trust Jake, he had never hurt me, but the thought of going back to that cage had me ready to flee. I took three deep calming breaths and let him help me up. I searched his eyes and found only love and understanding. “I don’t understand Jake. I don’t want to be in a cage or cell. I don’t want to do what you just did. Can’t we just go back to your apartment and forget about this?”

  “We are beyond that Casey. You can’t ever go back to the life we knew. I can’t let you. We can go into this together or I can force you and I don’t want to do that. The sooner you accept, the less time we will have to spend there. You started to remember, once we unlock those memories, everything will be right.” He hugged me

  Tears flowed down my cheeks and I tried to brush them off. “I always knew my life was fucked up, but this is beyond even what I could imagine. It would explain why I could never fit in with any of the families they placed me with.” I trusted Jake. I really did, and looking around I knew I wouldn’t get away. My only option at this point was to agree. “Fine, I’ll go.” I hung my head.

  “That’s my girl.” Jake stroked my hair and put an arm around my shoulder. “Sterling, call the Alpha, let him know we are coming back but ask him to keep Mack away. He won’t help in any way. I will keep him updated on her progress and let him know when she is ready to meet the rest of the pack. Oh, and you’ll need to find another cook, I won’t be back until Casey is ready. However long that takes.”

  “It is just like you Jake, give me a taste of the good food and then leave.” Sterling laughed as he dialed his phone. Marla followed him out as he started talking to someone.

  “Come on Case, let’s go.”

  I followed Jake out the back to his little beat up Jetta.

  Chapter Six


  My father was not happy with me, his tone of voice conveyed that well enough. I didn’t really care what he had to say at this moment, all I wanted was to get back to Cassandra. I whipped around at the sound of the basement door opening. Ma appeared, alone. The panther inside raged to sprint back down the stairs.

  “Malcolm!” my father boomed.

  Only it wasn’t his fatherly voice, this was the Alpha speaking. The only voice I couldn’t ignore at this moment. I faced him once again, the force in his voice giving me no option but to submit.

  “Now, we must discuss the fuck up that you just ignited.” His eyes narrowed at me.

  “I had no choice. She was close to shifting and she doesn’t even know what she is yet,” I responded. I was not going to share that not only was she a shifter raised in the human world, but the long lost sister we had been searching for. That detail I would hold close until I knew she was ready.

  “That still doesn’t give you the right to kidnap a scared girl and lock her up. You should have brought her to the estate. We could have handled this in a more delicate manner.” The anger I had incited radiated off him. This was not my father in front of me, this was Jerome the Alpha of the Black Mountain Pack. His word was law. There was a reason that he commanded the surrounding five states shifters and had for the last fifty years. No one went against him, they took their lives into their hands if they did. Even my panther realized this was the time to submit.

  “Yes, sir.” I lowered my gaze to the floor as his cell rang.

  “Yes,” he barked as he answered. “What?... I see, yes he is right here with me.” More silence as my father listened. “…All right, we are on our way to the estate. You keep me updated and I will keep my son out of your way.” Jerome hung up. “Boy, you will have Jake to thank soon for saving your ass. The girl is with him and has agreed to come back. She is shook up, which is to be expected. She also doesn’t fully accept what she is. Jake will stay here with her and keep me apprised of her progress. You are to stay away, do not come here, do not call Jake, and do not attempt to see her until she is ready. That is an order.”

  I opened my mouth to protest, meeting my father’s gaze and stopped. Even if I wanted to talk back, the Alpha had spoken. The pack magic was heavy in those words. I hung my head in defeat, for now.

  “Ma, come along, we are going back to the big house.” Jerome walked out the door. My mother and I directly behind him.

  I couldn’t come back, but he hadn’t said anything about anyone else. I sent a quick text to Steven. I need you. Jake is taking over watch of Cassandra. I need you to monitor them. Drop everything else until further notice.

  Steven quickly responded, “Ten four.”

  I felt a tiny bit better as I rode back home with my parents.

  We pulled into the drive and I jumped out of the Tahoe. I couldn’t stand to be in the same vehicle with my father any longer.

  “Malcolm, stop! I will see you in my office NOW!” the Alpha was back in his voice.

  I had no choice, when the Alpha speaks…you obey. I changed my course to meet him in his office. The power of the pack weighed down on me as I entered the doors. This was the only sound proof room in the house. My father had designed it that way, his pack headquarters had to be secure. I sat in the chair facing his desk and waited for him to join me. My panther paced inside me, neither one of us liked being confined this way, we wanted to get back to Cassandra. To protect her. If I was being honest with myself, the panther wanted to claim her. That had to be wrong though, we were related. Mating wasn’t allowed within families. My panther balked and reared
inside me. She is not family. I would know. It would be in her scent, and she does not smell like us.

  My father entered at that moment.

  “Da, I need to tell you something. I am pretty sure you’ll think it’s good news.” I took his silence as a sign to continue, “Last night, when I was out patrolling with Steven and Rocco I found Cassandra. Or at least I am pretty sure it’s her. We followed her, but I don’t think she knows what she is or what we are. I planned to continue to monitor her and try to get to know her better before approaching her. She didn’t recognize me. I am sure of it, but I think the more I show up around her and where she works that she will come around.”

  Da held his hand up, stopping me from continuing. “Mack, son, we need to talk.” He sat behind his desk, but there was a weariness about him. “You will listen, and stay silent until I am finished.” He opened his bottom drawer and pulled out his private bottle of scotch along with two tumblers. Pouring two fingers into each, he pushed one across the desk towards me. “You’ll need this.” He tossed his shot back in one gulp and continued, “I have kept a lie alive for the past thirteen years. I am not proud of that fact, but it’s time to let you know the truth. I know you think you have found your sister, but Cassandra is not your sister. Not in the way you think. You have believed that you both share me as your father for years. That is not the truth. I found Cassandra when she was barely two, a lost cub, scared and alone. Her pack had been hunted and that smart little girl had fled and hidden herself. She was basically a wild animal when I found her. I brought her home and your mother and I decided to raise her as our own. The only way to protect her was to reveal her as a child born from an affair I had before I married your mother. She agreed for the safety of Cassandra. We did not expect to be attacked a mere two years later. That attack resurrected the memories and fear that had been hidden in little Cassandra’s memories.”