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Mack (Black Mountain Pack Book 1) Page 5
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To say I was shocked is an understatement. I waited for my father to continue.
He stood and gazed out the large windows behind his desk. “I knew then that she wouldn’t be safe with us either. The attack was not directed at our pack, but a search for Cassandra. I discovered the South American pack had destroyed her home and family in search of her two years earlier, and she was the focus of the raid on our home. I thought the best option then was to let her hide amongst the humans. The South American pack had never seen or scented her before. That’s when I placed Jake in the foster system to watch over her and protect her. He has been reporting to me for years. I knew she was close to shifting, enough time had passed that her fears would have faded. Her animal side would be impatient to emerge again. I had planned on having Jake bring her to the festival in a couple months, but your actions just fucked that plan to hell.” He turned to glare at me. “Now we have to change actions. Once she shifts, the South American Alpha will know. He will feel it through the pack bonds, and we have to prepare. I will not let her go to them, and from the feel of things, neither will your panther. I knew when I first saw you two together, even at her young age, you two were meant to be mated. But Mack, you need to be prepared, she is stronger than any female we have in the pack, including your mother. Also, she is essentially pack less. Until she accepts me as her Alpha she has a target on her back. I can only protect her so far.”
My brain exploded with the information I just received. My panther jumped with joy inside. Cassandra wasn’t blood, but this was more complicated than I had thought. “How soon will the South American pack realize she is still alive?”
“As soon as she shifts.”
“Then we need to increase security around the farm. I’ll send Steven, Liam, Rook, and I suppose Rocco can join them, though I still am uneasy with how dedicated he is to the pack. I’ll use this as his last test.” I was absorbed with planning and didn’t notice my father approach.
“No, Rocco stays here. I have been trying to search into his past and can’t find anything beyond a year ago. I don’t trust a man that seems to have appeared out of thin air. Have you seen him shift yet?”
Da’s question gave me pause. “No, I haven’t actually seen his physical transformation which is odd for a new applicant. What does his request for pack admittance say he is?”
Da nodded his head, lost in thought. “And he arrived right about the time you located Cassandra, or shortly after, didn’t he?”
I knew what his questions were leading to. “Yes, about three weeks after I first saw her. Why?”
“He states that he is a cat shifter, mountain lion to be specific, but I think he is something more dangerous. The South American pack has a high concentration of spotted panthers; I would bet my right arm that his cat form is the same. I think it’s time to call Rocco in and force the shift. We should have seen him by now.”
“I’ll recall him. Tell him we are ready to make a decision on his application.”
“Agreed.” Da came close and placed his hand on my shoulder “I know this is going to be hard for you, but you must stay away from the farm and Cassandra until Jake says she is ready and even then her situation is going to be delicate and fragile. Memories will come rushing back once she changes. Jake is our best option for keeping her with us for now. Remember he is no threat as a mate, he is her comfort. You must convince your panther of the same.”
“I’ll try Da, but you know he has a mind of his own at times and when he is around Cassandra, I lose control quickly, but I want to see where this goes, so I will do my best.”
“That’s all I ask, now go get Rocco, we have business to take care of.”
Chapter Seven
We rode in silence in Jake’s little beat up Jetta. I loved the smell of his car. A mixture of the previous owners who had been a sweet old couple, the air freshener Jake used to try and mask the scent, and of course Jake’s own unique scent. Those three combined, were comfort and safety to me. Even scared, I trusted Jake to keep me safe. He wouldn’t take me anywhere that would hurt me, and he wouldn’t lie to me. I sat and processed all I had learned in the last hour. A world I used to think only existed in the twisted minds of my favorited authors was now revealed as real life and I was a part of it. In some ways, it made sense, but my brain resisted it. This had to be a dream that was the easiest explanation. I would wake up soon, having snoozed on Jake’s couch and everything would be back to normal.
Jake reached over and touched my hand. “You’re being awfully quiet. Talk to me, I know this is a lot to take in so soon. Talk it out with me.”
I tried to decide what to ask him first. “I don’t know where to start. Honestly, I keep hoping this is all just a dream rather than face that this reality is now mine.” I sighed.
He turned down a dirt drive leading to the farm house.
The house was nestled back in a grove of trees right at the edge of property that had be allowed to grow wild. If I let myself admit it, I felt at home here. Comfortable with the trees, overgrowth and something in me wanted to run wild in the forest.
Jake pulled his keys from the ignition and walked around to open my door.
I sat there for a minute screwing up the courage to ask, “Do I have to go back in the cage?”
Jake’s face softened. “No Casey, not right away. I want you to know the cage is only for your safety and mine when you change. We will only use it until you get control of your animal side. Right now, we are just going to go have a drink and talk.” He held his hand to help me out of the car.
My only other option was to try and run and I knew I wouldn’t escape Jake. Even if I did, I had nowhere to go and no one to help me. I was out of options. I let him help me out and followed him to the house. He chose a key on his key ring and unlocked the front door stepping back to allow me to enter first. A memory hit me as soon as I walked in.
The house was full of people young and old, and I was running around with other children, weaving through the adults in a game of tag. Laughter filled the air along with the smells of baking in the kitchen. “Cassandra, stop chasing the boys. It’s not lady like to hike your skirts like that.” A female voice chastised me. I stopped and hung my head, the boys always got to have more fun than me.
“Let her be Ma, she’s just a child. Let her play.” A strong hand stroked my hair as a giant of a man bent down and whispered in my ear, “Go catch them princess.” A warmth embraced me at those words.
The memory faded as quickly as it came, leaving me breathless. “I know this house.”
“You should, you spent a lot of time here when you were little while the big house was being renovated,” Jake explained. “That’s one reason Mack brought you here. He just did it all wrong. He should have welcomed you here, instead of locking you up. Come, sit and have a drink with me.” Jake led me to the living room. The room was cozy and welcoming with overstuffed furniture, a large picture window letting in the sun, and a wall filled with books. Jake went to the liquor cabinet in the corner as I sunk into the couch. He brought back two tumblers of amber liquid and handed one to me as he joined me on the couch. “Tell me what you remembered.”
I described the memory. “It wasn’t much. Who were those people?”
“I didn’t see your memory, but I assume you remember one of the many gatherings we had here. You remember the Alpha, Jerome, and his wife, Suzanne. They took you in when you were found. I don’t know all the details that is a question you will have to ask yourself. We used to get together here once a month to relax and let loose. When you are ready, I know Jerome will want to talk with you, but you will decide when that time is. Relax, enjoy your drink and see if you remember anything else.” Jake relaxed into the couch and nursed his drink.
I loved Jake for that. He never pushed, just supported me as I worked through whatever problem I had. He’d always been there for me, I couldn’t remember a time when Jake hadn’t come to the rescue. I finished my drink and
set my tumbler on the coffee table. My eye lids became heavy and hard to keep open. I couldn’t focus on anything and all I wanted to do was curl up and sleep. My head lolled back against the couch as my eyes gave up the fight. I thought I heard, “I am sorry Case, it’s for your safety.”
I dreamt. Scenes flashed through my dreams, none in focus but the feelings there. Fear, rage, love, happiness. When everything stilled, I stood facing the most beautiful creature.
A sleek, dark, spotted panther. Her coat black as night, but as she moved, her blue black spots gleamed and shimmered. She had green eyes as she stared at me. “It’s time Casey.”
Shocked I spun around searching for the owner of that voice but found no one but the panther and me.
“Casey, look at me.”
I stared at the panther, realizing she was talking to me.
“That’s it, remember. Remember us, how much fun we had. Let me out, I want to play again.” She stalked towards me, purring. I reached out to pet her and as my fingers met her coat, a wall collapsed in my mind. I was flooded with images and memories, forcing me to my knees under the weight. I cried out in pain.
Chapter Eight
My phone rang again. This was the third time Jake had tried calling me. “Jake, I don’t have time for this, what’s wrong?” I answered.
“Mack, you need to get here now. It happened faster than I thought. Casey is shifting. In the living room. NOW!”
“Shit, I’m on my way. Shift now, she won’t recognize you in human form at first, but she might remember your wolf.” I stormed out of my father’s office. I didn’t have time to wait on Rocco to show. Peeling my clothes as I went, I would get there faster through the woods.
My father met me sat the door.
“I have to go, Cassandra shifted before Jake could get her in the cage. I have to go.”
“I’ll go with you.” Da started removing his clothing as well.
“What about Rocco?”
“I’ve informed the team of what we were doing. They’ll hold him until we get back. Cassandra is top priority right now.”
We shifted simultaneously and took off. The minutes it took to reach the farm house, seemed like hours. My need to get to Cassandra high. The Alpha growl that came from Da’s throat stopped me before I could burst through the back door. Throwing my head back I growled back.
“Stop yourself and listen,” he spoke through the pack bond.
As I calmed, I could hear the ruckus inside the house. Growls and yips. Cassandra had shifted and it sounded like she wasn’t happy. I backed down the steps and waited for a moment.
Da spoke again, “You’ll need to tranq her. I can’t force her submission yet, she hasn’t accepted our pack or protection. If any of the South American pack are around they will be here soon, they will have felt her shift.”
Tranq her? I didn’t want to, my panther balked at the idea, but I knew it was the only option. I shifted again and walked naked to the shed. We kept a supply of loose clothing there as well as a gun safe. No bullets were ever kept here, just tranquilizer darts. I threw on a pair of shorts and keyed in the lock code on the lock pad. Grabbing two tranq darts and the dart gun, I emerged and followed my father in his wolf form up the steps and into the back of the house.
Da sprinted through the kitchen into the living room to help Jake corner her.
I followed a little slower, seeing Cassandra’s cat for the first time. Her beauty stunned me.
Jake and Da had her cornered by the book shelf. She was crouched low, growling a warning. She looked at me as I entered with a plea in her eyes and slight mewl escaped her throat.
My hands shook as I aimed the gun. “I’m sorry, baby” I aimed for her hind quarters and pulled the trigger. The dart hit home and within seconds, she collapsed as the tranquilizer took effect.
Once she was out, Jake shifted and grabbed the quilt off the back of the couch to cover her.
“She should be out for a couple of hours Jake. Help me get her downstairs.”
“No…” He bowed his head. “Can’t we put her in the bedroom upstairs? The door is steel and has a lock on it if we need. I don’t think putting her in the cage downstairs will help her. She needs comfort, love, and support. Not to be treated like an animal.”
In response, Da headed up the stairs, still in wolf form.
Jake picked up the sleeping panther wrapped in the blanket and followed him.
A few minutes later, Da came down the stairs on two legs instead of four and without Jake.
“Where’s Jake?” I asked, looking up the staircase for him.
“He chose to stay with Cassandra. He shifted back and curled up on the floor to wait for her to wake. It’s best for her to have someone familiar and that she trusts to be there when she wakes. We have much too discuss and plan. Now that she has shifted, the South American Pack will know. It won’t take long for them to mobilize to come find her. Call the house and tell the boys to bring Rocco here when he shows. We will be doing business from here until she is ready to join us at the house. We’ll put him in lock up in the basement for now.” He strode to the bar and poured himself a drink.
The thought of Jake in the same bedroom with a soon to be naked Cassandra didn’t sit well with me, but I made the call. Logically, I knew I had to go slow I didn’t want to scare her off. It took me this many years to find her and now that she had shifted, she was in even more danger. I would focus on dealing with Rocco when he got here. He would give us the answers we wanted or he would die for his possible treachery.
“Call Marla as well, having another female that she has encountered before will help her too,” Da instructed.
“No, the less people here the better. We shouldn’t overwhelm her, Da.” My gut twisted at the thought of another helping her through.
“That is where you are wrong, son. You are letting your emotions lead you. Now is the time to have pack around us. The more defense we have, the better. We need to prepare for a possible attack. We would be safer at the big house, but I won’t jeopardize what headway has been made with Cassandra at this moment. We need to recall everyone we can to fortify our forces here and around your mother at the house.” Da refilled his tumbler and headed into the small office hidden by a secret panel behind the bookshelf. “I’ll start calling the sentinels and letting them know to double patrols on our borders. Jake will let us know when she is awake. Let Marla know what happened. She will be hungry when she wakes, Jake can place a grocery order when he comes downstairs. Send Marla straight up when she gets here.” Those were his final instructions as he disappeared behind the bookcase.
I knew he wouldn’t join us again, until all his calls were made. I dialed Marla as I went out the back door to wait for the house guards to bring Rocco to us.
Marla answered, “Hi, Mack. Everything ok?”
“No, it’s not Marla. I need to you to join us at the farm house. Cassandra shifted sooner than we thought.” I sighed. “Da wants you to join us, so she has another female around.”
“Isn’t Jake with you? She knows him best,” she argued.
“Yes, but our Alpha gave a command. We can’t bring Ma in, for obvious reasons. She has met you and Da thinks you will be able to help her through some of the emotions raging through her when she wakes. Jake is with her now, pack a bag quickly and join us. That is a direct order.”
“Very well, I’ll be there as soon as I can.” I could hear a trace of fear in her voice. “Should I be worried?”
“Yes.” I hung up not waiting for any more questions.
My phone buzzed with an incoming text. “We have Rocco, enroute to the farm house.”
Now, we could get to business. I returned inside and went to prepare the basement for his arrival. We would place him in the sparse cell at the far end of the room. The darkest and most uncomfortable one. A large steel storage cupboard sat beside it. I unlocked the doors, pulled up a steel cart, and started loading it with the tools I thought I might
need to extract the answers I wanted from him. It didn’t take long and I left it sitting in plain sight. I wouldn’t torture him right away. I had to remove the emotion first, prepare myself for what had to be done. I sent a response when I finished, “Put him in the last cell and leave him.” The front door opened as I closed the basement door. I could tell from her scent that Marla was here.
She bowed her head slightly as I came into the entryway. “Where do you need me Mack?”
“Jake is with her in the upstairs bedroom. Head up there and let him know you are there. You can put your things in the room next to hers.” I didn’t wait for her response. I headed into the living room and straight for the bar pouring myself a drink. Alcohol affected me differently than the others, it dulled my emotions, but sharpened my senses. Just what I needed to deal with Rocco. I was looking forward to doing some damage, I hoped he resisted. I waited patiently for him to arrive.
Chapter Nine
My first realization as I woke was that I was naked. A blanket covered me, but I was naked. The next was that my imagination had created one hell of a nightmare. What had I been drinking to create that elaborate of a scenario. Shifters? I think I need to lay off the ™Christina Dodd books. A wet nose was nudging my hand. I didn’t move. Reality came crashing back when I looked towards my hand and saw the big wolf looking back at me. I froze, if I didn’t move—maybe he wouldn’t kill me. My brain struggled to catch up, “Jake?” The wolf tilted his head, and I swear he smiled at me with his tongue lolling out the side of his mouth.
His body shimmered and then a very naked Jake was in front of me. “Hey Case, you had me worried.”
I covered my eyes quickly. “Jake! Put some clothes on!” I squeaked. I heard him laugh as he moved about the room.